Free Printable Christmas Math Worksheets, Activity & Pdf
Woohoo! It's December! The month of love, joy, feast, happiness.. the month of Christmas. They say that the best is saved for the last, so here we are, in the last month! So, why not make it special and exciting for kids? Include math... read more in your homeschooling curriculum, teaching process, or just for fun. You can find the perfect christmas worksheets for your kids, by selecting the grade and topic from the filter menu on the left. These FREE math printable or Christmas math worksheets will surely bring in the Christmas excitement and make kids fall in love with numbers and math games. So, let's not wait, just download - print - spread these free Christmas printable math worksheets.
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- Addition of Two or More Numb...
Imagine you live in a very hot city. During summers when the power supply is short, fans stop workin...
- Addition of Lengths of 2 uni...
Prisoners have been planning an escape for many days. They have some rope that they are combining to...
- Conversion of Weights from k...
- Conversion of Weights in kg ...
- Comparison of Weight in 2 or...
Tell students that tea was originated in China thousands of years ago.China is the also the greatest...
- Division of large numbers.
Long time ago, in the jungle there occurred a war between the owls and the birds on who were the bes...
- Rotation of Plane Shapes.
Rashi cannot understand the rotations in the anticlockwise or clockwise direction. Also she has diff...
AM and PM are two friends from the world of time and clocks! Although they are friends, they are nev...
- Addition of more than Three ...
Have you seen birds sitting on electric wires? Sometimes, hundreds of birds sit on these wires. They...
- Completing a given pattern u...
Some vehicles are arranged from small to bigger.They have an alphabet associated with them. These al...
- Subtraction of Two Numbers o...
Kirodimal is a big miser. Even when guests visit his home, he doesn't offer them full glasses of jui...
- Comparison of Like Fractions.
- Comparison of Unlike Fractio...
The Japanese sumos have decided to do watermelon fight. Under which they have to break the watermelo...
- Addition of Lengths of 2 uni...
The two great officers are making a plan for their mission.Help them out and and be a hero.
- Subtraction of 2 Digit Numbe...
Before a car race all the racers were sitting in a room. One of the racers quietly decided to play a...
- Multiplication Facts of a 2 ...
- Multiplication Facts of a 3 ...
A painter has drawn a creature. After sometime he left with no colours. He went to the market to bri...
- Comparison of Two 2 Digit Nu...
A ship has been lost in the sea. The government has announced a prize for the one who will find it o...
- Addition of Two Numbers of 3...
Rina has moved to a new city. It is called Green Valley. In this city, people are very conscious of ...
I have a cat named Bob. He is so cunning that whenever I am out of my room, he steals some of my can...
Meenu’s friends are helping her to make her very own nursery. They want to put up boards which conta...
- Multiplication Facts of Two ...
4 friends decided to visit the magic pond. The mystery about magic pond is that it has four stones b...
- Recognition of Basic Shapes.
- Introduction to Polygons.
Mr. square and Mrs. octagon went to forest for camping. On their return they forget their way to hom...
- Identification of Fractions ...
Shyam went in trade fair. There were lots of games, circles, Magic game, Mirror maze. He chose to pl...
- Addition of Two Numbers of 2...
The school where Surjeet’s son studies is hosting a ‘Share if you care’ week. Each student is encour...
- Matching the objects with th...
You are enjoying your summer holidays in Paris with your mom and dad. You visit the Eiffel Tower. On...
The total weight that each champion can lift is shown. Also, conversion of one type of weight to the...
- Drawing and reading analog c...
All Christmas math worksheets are perfect to challenge your kid’s math skills. These are free Christmas printable math worksheets that are highly engaging and induce some real excitement in kids for math. So, get them on your printer today and add them to your kid’s math practice schedule at home this Christmas!
Along with these Christmas worksheets, try some christmas games and activities to make this holiday super FUN. Here are some ideas:
- Ornaments Count - Gather all the ornaments and count the similar color ones. Like 6 red, 9 yellow, 5 golden and so on.
- Color Fun - Draw a Santa using geometric shapes and color. Do not forget to send us a picture as well.
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Printable Chirstmas Math Games
You can find the perfect worksheets for your kids, by selecting the grade and topic/skills (from the filter menu on the left or the links below) she is practicing. Using these filters wil help you make the selection from the huge amount of math worksheets easy for you.
Christmas Worksheets by Grade
Kindergarten: Kids in kindergarten are just starting with numbers, so skills like number recognition, sequencing, greater than, less than and simple additions is what they should be learning. For making it fun for them we have Christmas theme math worksheets with these skills at Kindergarten Christmas Math Worksheets
1st Grade: Kids start to learn addition, subtraction, may be some multiplication and pattern recognition in 1st grade. This is the first time they are formally introduced to math operations. They would love to play with math if provided with the right kind of resources. You can find Christmas based math worksheets at 1st Grade Christmas Math Worksheets
2nd Grade: In 2nd grade kids are now familiar with math operations and they are getting more advanced in these while learning new operations like division and concept of fractional numbers. Also, from 2nd grade onwards they will be using these operations in measurement like time, length, weight, volume. So real life application based worksheets and activities are best for them at this stage. To be indulge in holiday and Christmas mood and learn those skills are best. To get Christmas based worksheets at 2nd Grade Christmas Math Worksheets
3rd Grade: Now in 3rd grade parents should show them use of math operations in real life. In addition and multiplication while calculating bills at the grocery store, subtraction and concept of money while making payments. Although kids of this generation do not check the bill, they are seeing payment through credit cards, so no cash exchange, but we should keep doing these activities with them every now and them. That will increase their interest in math. For such kind of activity based worksheets for grade 3 child, you can go to 3rd Grade Christmas Math Worksheets
4th Grade: Childrens get verse with math operations by the time they enter 4th grade. They are going to be an expert in these skills by the end of these years. They will be introduced to operations in fractions and order of operations. They also get to know about the area and perimeters in these grades. So a lot of new concepts comes in and that mean more math practice. To practice these concepts during holiday, these Christmas theme worksheets 4th Grade Christmas Math Worksheets are helpful.
5th Grade: This is the last primary school grade and is lot about playing with large and very small (decimal) numbers on the operations and skill learnt in previous grades. The concept of decimal and thus conversion from fraction to decimal, decimal to percentage and vice versa are important skills of this grade. In geometry also, new concepts like angles, different type of triangles are introduced. We should practice these skills a lot. You can find lot of activities and worksheets 5th grade at 5th Grade Christmas Math Worksheets
Christmas Worksheets by Topic
Addition: Addition is so boring! Err! Wrong. With these free Christmas printable math worksheets, it won't be. Solve these digit addition and have fun with these math games. They are different and will sure make the kids love addition and numbers. Christmas Addition Worksheets
Subtraction: We will not leave subtraction behind! Yes, these Christmas math printable will surely bring out the subtraction fun when kids sit down and get to it. With little twist and turns, these math games and bound to interesting for them. Christmas Subtraction Worksheets
Multiplication: Help help help!! Help Santa in a multiplication way! Let your kids practice multiplication through these super exciting math games. Trust us, they will love it. Christmas Multiplication Worksheets
Not just math, we believe in this magical month, there should be loads of imagination, colors and creativity. Let these coloring sheets be the joy of Christmas for kids. Help them get their creative minds activated. If your child has troubles staying within the lines, do make them draw lines in the Christmas maze. These Christmas math worksheets will help in:
- Hand-eye co ordination
- Strategic Thinking
- Inducing trial & error methods
- Drawing lines
- Enhancement of fine motor movements
Few fun math facts about Christmas trees:
- The average growing period for a 6-7 ft typical Christmas tree is 7 years!
- Every year more than 25-30 million trees are sold in the US.
- 80% of Americans put up ARTIFICIAL Christmas tree displays.
- The Rockefeller Christmas tree weighs nearly 12,000 kgs!
Let's hope this festive season you and your kids have a fun Math-loving time with these Christmas worksheets. These Math worksheets are the best because they are FREE, hands-on, engaging, colorful, created by experts, and most importantly fun. The simple stories in these worksheets enhance a young mind's creativity, skills such as comprehension, mental Math, data correlation, etc. Just print and experience the magic!
Happy Holidays!
Tips to use math worksheets
Kids can practice counting and arithmetic skills, develop basic geometry skills and learn about money and practice how to tell time. Then, they can move on to more difficult topics like fractions, decimals, data interpretation using graphs, Venn diagrams and tally charts
Few tips:
- Use them for a fun practice session and not as another part of homework.
- Read the story with your child and help them relate to the problem.
- Club these with math board games to get more than 20 X practice.
- Encourage your child to apply the mathematical concept repeatedly while solving them.