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Free Printable Math Worksheets for Kids

Here we have compiled a comprehensive collection of resources for all math topics in the form of worksheets. These are for grade K to 5 and challenge children into thinking about where math fits in their daily lives. These are organiz... read moreed by either topic or grade. These are perfect for teachers, homeschooling mothers, parents who want kids to practice math in a fun way in both classroom and homework activities. read less
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Doll Store

9269 200

Elves On Stairs

8249 139

Slide Measure

9425 343

Straight Or Crooked

11795 243


9981 224

What Next

6925 165

Tri Angle

8000 129

Egg Survival

8805 191

Giraffe Pile

10206 165

Candy Count

9091 225

High Rise

9750 220

What A Shot

7365 162

Magical Circles

13008 316

Sales Report

7349 141

The Goods Train

11896 199

Spot The Rhythm

9834 223

Log Jump

9689 157

Queen Bee

9739 195

Up N Down

8906 134

Grandma Shopping

15538 552

Weighing Scale

9916 165

Treasure Hunt

9902 214

Connect The Dots Dino

9181 179

Subzi Mandi

9707 230

What makes these math worksheets so different?

Focused skill - Each printable has major focus on one skill at a time. The skill is so specific that you will know exactly what your child is practicing and learning from it. We aim at reinforcing those skills through repetition.

Story - based - Each worksheet has a story behind the problem that help your child relate to it. These stories are friendly and imaginative. Stories help in easing problem-solving at elementary level.

Colorful - These are not just mere colorless printable. We have made it colorful and attractive to keep children more engaged while solving.

Life skills - These introduce life skills like kindness, helping others, helping the environment and more in a subtle way. The stories talk about the helpers of our society, nature, animals, culture, places, etc., that make children connect more with what they see around them.

Download these fun math worksheets which are free.

Holidays are a wonderful time to bring a little extra fun into your child’s learning. The worksheets in this category all focus around the holidays. Your child will enjoy working on holiday-themed work sheets and hone important math skills with these worksheets.

We have created these Holiday-Theme based math worksheets for kids:

Why do you really need these worksheets?

  • Building cordial relationships: As child psychology says, things done out of love are the things children ace at the fastest! Once children get a hang of solving these worksheets, they will eventually start loving the topic.
  • Practicing in stealth mode: These are modeled in such a way that it touches the basic Math lessons or topics in micro ways! This indirectly lets your child revise it without him even knowing it!
  • Good break from rote: The whole event of studying Math invokes boredom in kids because it basically involves the repetitive act of practising: they had done it in school and homework! These printable are refreshing. They are backed by a simple story, are colorful, involve more of Mental math, and also serve as a good change in kids' schedules. It is a win-win in any situation.

Tips to use math worksheets

Kids can practice counting and arithmetic skills, develop basic geometry skills and learn about money and practice how to tell time. Then, they can move on to more difficult topics like fractions, decimals, data interpretation using graphs, Venn diagrams and tally charts
Few tips:
  • Use them for a fun practice session and not as another part of homework.
  • Read the story with your child and help them relate to the problem.
  • Club these with math board games to get more than 20 X practice.
  • Encourage your child to apply the mathematical concept repeatedly while solving them.