Free PreSchool & Kindergarten Thanksgiving Math Worksheets
Known to have short attention span, we have made these free kindergarten math worksheets attractive and colorful. With captivating illustrations, these worksheets are sure to make them enjoy math. These kindergarten printable will not... read more only help them in practicing but also in grasping the concept well. These concepts form a foundation on which advanced concepts can be practiced later.
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- Number Sequencing (Missing N...
A little chicken is hiding inside. Ask your kids to connect the dots to find it!
Also, you can hel...
- Recognition of Basic Shapes.
You have made some shapes in your copy for your homework and then you went out to play. When you cam...
A baby alien has fallen on Earth from outer space. He is very different from us. Can you count his n...
- Number Sequencing (Missing N...
Imagine you are a builder - the one who supervises construction of the houses. You have recently bui...
The talent show is on. Tigers, lions and foxes are all there. Can you count them all for the organizers?
- Number Sequencing (Missing N...
Jack and Jill are builders. They fight with each other every time they see each other. So, they deci...
- Counting Numbers.
- Number Recognition.
Munnu’s mother gave him a colourful fish bowl. But one day a demon came and took all the colors fr...
- Recognizing number names up ...
We have sent your kid a Bumblebee who is very hungry and needs some nectar. Ask your kid to color th...
- Number Sequencing (Missing N...
Once upon a time during a school trip organized by Penguin School of Antarctica some mischievous Pen...
You have some old and some new bulbs at home. Old bulbs don't work. Your father plans to paint the o...
- Skip count of 2,3,5 and 10.
I am the queen of water. If you take me out of it, I die. People sometimes keep me in their homes bu...
- Counting Numbers up to 10
The pets here are all hungry. Allow our kids to feed these animals according to the number written i...
Sonu got a print out for summer holiday project. But the print is faded. Please help him by writing ...
Your mother has hidden 10 chocolates in her almirah. The almirah has a secret code. You must write n...
- Counting Numbers.
- Comparison of Two 1-Digit Nu...
Some Aliens have come to attack Mother Earth but some Kids are very brave and are trying to save Mot...
- Recognition of numbers up to...
We have sent an insect for you that is hiding inside. Ask your kid to color the blocks as given to d...
I have a cat named Bob. He is so cunning that whenever I am out of my room, he steals some of my can...
- Counting Numbers.
- Number Recognition.
You with your two friends go out to eat ice-cream. The vendor gives you an ice-cream with 6 scoops. ...
Oh no! There is one more alien on Planet Earth. He seems very dangerous. Quickly fill out his detail...
- Number Tracing-Numbers upto 20
Your mother has created a new board game for you. It's called the Beetle Board. But due to some hurr...
These Kindergarten math worksheets have problems on counting, number recognition, number sequencing, patterns, comparing numbers, missing numbers, shapes, basics of addition and subtraction and much more. Each worksheet is intended to enhance your child's number skills.
Why do you really need these worksheets?
- Start early go far: One may argue if kindergarten is really the age to start with printables, we would suggest why not! Parents & teachers certainly do not expect their 3-4 year olds to solve these printables completely. Having them involved in something remotest to their limited syllabi is always beneficial.
- Perfect core: What has been taught in kindergarten is the basis of our education. Practising with these printables will only strengthen their foundation in Math in a fun way!
- Hocus focus: We all know how impatient Kindergarteners are! Having them occupied for some time with these amazing Math printables will only teach them to focus.
- Other than Math: Solving these worksheets will not only help them practice Math but also fine-tune their pincer grasp by learning how to hold the pencil while writing or coloring.
Tips to use math worksheets
These Kindergarten printable cover a multitude of topics. Kids can practice counting, compare numbers, understand greater than, less than, missing numbers and much more.
Few tips for Kindergarten worksheets:
- Start counting things around the house to get more concrete practice in counting numbers and sequencing.
- Talk about the shapes of toys or things like 'round ball', 'triangle hat', 'square sponge', 'rectangle soap' and so on.
- Sort different kinds of pebbles, buttons or coins to enhance analytic thinking and fine motor movements in your child.
- While solving, ask them to tighten the grip of pencil, sharpies or crayons to write better.
- Read the story with your child and help them relate to the problem.
- Club these Kindergarten worksheets with math board games to get more than 20 X practice.
- Encourage your child to apply the mathematical concept repeatedly while solving these.