Recognize Them Worksheet

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See All Grade 3 halloween Math Worksheets

About Recognize Them Worksheet

3 shepherds went to the field with their sheep for grazing. As all the sheep look alike can you match them with their owners? What if I give you a hint, if you solve the problem written on the sheep and match the digit at the Tens place of the answer with the number on the shepherds’ robes, you will know his sheep.

Math Skills
  • Subtraction of 4 Digit Number from 4 Digit Number with borrow.

Life Skills

    What Parents say..

    Ever since we started using BrainX our primary school Maths staff has been relieved a lot. BrainX helped a lot of students who were not grasping the concept behind the Maths. Even parents have noticed the change in the knowledge of concepts in their kids.

    Raghu Das, Principal at Jaipur Public International School

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